The Story of the Garden
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The Story of the Garden
Tématická a zážitková zahrada, Ostatní
Vila Löw-Beer
The garden is situated in an inner courtyard in the Černá Pole residential quarter, about 15 minutes’ walk from Brno city centre. The gardens and vineyards here from the 18th century onwards were connected to Lužánky, the oldest public park in central Europe. Until 1938, the garden of the villa reached from Drobného street (then Sadová/ Parkstrasse) to Černopolní street. The oldest structure in the garden is the walled customs house, which served for the clearance of food products. At the beginning of the 20th century, a villa in Art Nouveau style was built on Drobného street for the industrialist Moritz Fuhrmann. It was bought in 1913 by the textiles magnate Alfred Löw-Beer, who gave the upper part of its grounds to his daughter Greta (married name Tugendhat), for a house for her own family. (The famous Tugendhat Villa is today a UNESCO World Heritage site.) In the 1930s, the gardens of the two villas were joined: it is well known that in winter Greta Tugendhat’s children would ride their sledges down the hill to visit their grandmother Marianne. After the emigration of the Löw-Beer and Tugendhat families in 1938/39, the stories of the two villas separated, and a fence was placed between the two gardens.
The Löw-Beer Villa was remodelled in accordance with the original plans in the early 21st century; it was opened to the public in 2016, as the newest branch of the Museum of the Brno Region. The Customs House now contains a stylish café and spacious gallery. The garden has been remodelled in Art Nouveau style, with a fountain and parterre, by Eva Damcová of the Zahradní a krajinářská architektura company. The original, early-20th-century design of the garden is unknown. Although the gardens of the two famous villas remain divided by a fence, the implementation of access from one to the other is under consideration.
58 Parks & Gardens